05 September 2006

Classes? Wot's all this then?

The photo to the right is of the courtyard on campus surrounded by the buildings classes are held in. Monday was that fateful day when school officially began. This time was different though, seeing as every class is something i am highly interested in. First class is modernism and the novel, with a teacher who seems to be a british version of Mr. Strauss, for those of you acquainted with Strauss, you know this is good news. Yeah, so the brit lit teachers seems a nice, funny, random old man, and he is also my advisor, which is good news if i ever seek advice. We shall be reading some good books, but seeing as i have fallen asleep almost immdiately every time i have tried to read, it may not go well. Then i had english architecture with another funny british man who walks quite speedily. We will be visiting a number of wonderful buildings, so i will keep you posted on that. Today i had civilisation of london, which is a history course starting with the romans and going up til present day, which also will include a number of trips around london. Intro to theatre includes 8 FREE plays, and perhaps one FREE musical, as well as a behind the scenes tour of Shakespeare's Globe and the National Theatre. The only class i haven't had yet is my renaissance art class, so lets hope that's good. What is wonderful is that 4 out of my 5 courses are 50% class trips, all paid for by the school; though i do have to pay the tube fare which should add up. Everything here is so expensive i cannot even comprehend it. Imagine New York prices, multiplied by two due to the weak dollar. Yeah, can't go for long on that. But with a combination of walking, not eating, and not buying textbooks for school, it may just be doable.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

a BRITISH stanley strauss?

what more could you ask for...maybe he plays tennis?